Hi All, I got a requirement that the title of the site collection which shows the first button on the top link bar to be different from the title. for example: my sharepoint site title is " Srikanth SharePoint Blog" and I need to show"Home" on the top link bar. It shows Home when the publishing features are not enabled. But once the publishing features are enabled it shows the same as the title("srikanth sharepoint blog" in my case instead of "Home").In other blogs I saw the solution as "in SITE ACTIONS>SITE SETTINGS>LOOK AND FEEL> TOP LINK BAR" , but once the publishing features are enabled, you don't see the "TOP LINK BAR" under "LOOK AND FEEL"(ofcourse it is changed to "NAVIGATION" , when publishing features are enabled). In this case : 1. Hide the initial button by adding code in css. .s4-tn li.static > a{ display: none !important; } .s4-tn li.static > ul a{ display: bloc...
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